March Healing Special
45 minute session
Blast off into the realms of peace, and tranquility, wisdoms, and manifestation with the aid of the immensely powerful Lemurian Crystals.
With over 200+ Amazing Services and 40+ Practitioners, we will require you to contact us with your requested dates and times for your service!
Sekhem Seichim Certification
Group Class Dates not scheduled-Done by Request for 2 or more students
*2 or more students needed for group rates to apply*
The SSR (Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki) not including the Reiki, is a pair of energetic frequencies that originated in ancient Egypt and resurfaced in 1980 during a trip to The Great Pyramids, where it was then formed into a triad system of natural healing combined with the Reiki Healing System.
The word “Sekhem” directly translates to “Power of Powers” which encompasses the vast and ever-expanding energies found within this modality. Much like Reiki, the Sekhem-Seichim energies work on all levels of our being, activating the body’s own natural healing process, as well as working to connect us with divine love and strengthening our connection to source to aid us each in our own ascension. The Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki energies provide a unique integration of multidimensional energies into our fields to facilitate a unified trinity of sacred energies to promote harmony and bring the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies into alignment. These energies shift and elevate a person’s vibration to expand their ability to hold more light frequencies.
- Class Dates Done by request for 2 or more students
- Next Scheduled Group Class July 19th, 20th 21st
Special Notes
Must be certified as an Usui Reiki II practitioner to take Sekhem Seichim Practitioner Certification
Must be certified as an Usui Reiki Master to take Sekhem Seichim Master Level