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Shamanic Reiki Session
60 Minute
$110 (Normally $121)
Plus one tumbled piece of obsidian to keep!!
Let go and cleanse the negative frequencies consuming your energy fields.
With over 200+ Amazing Services and 40+ Practitioners, we will require you to contact us with your requested dates and times for your service!
Crista Sokolow
Usui Reiki
Reiki Package Sessions
Remote Reiki
Remote Animal Reiki
Spiritual Life Coaching - (free 15 minute “are we a match” phone consultation)
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Product Details
Crista’s spiritual training began on a mountain in Southern Oregon. She grew up there connecting with nature, animals, energy and Spirit. Crista has always received information from the Universe in many different ways. She has loving energies and angels that talk to her, guide her and channel energy through her.
It didn’t unfold as smoothly as it sounds. Crista went through stages of hiding and denying her true self in an attempt to fit in and appear “normal”. She even rebelled against her messages to prove her autonomy, only to cause havoc in her life. She had an awakening in 1995 that brought about a beautiful surrender. She began meditating regularly and allowing her true self to float more to the surface. She went to college, got married and started raising her family. She lived a “normal” life and kept most of her messages and Spirit connection compartmentalized and at bay.
In 2009 another awakening brought her to the awareness that stifling aspects of yourself causes distortions in the fabric of your life. It was time to break out of the normal box and let her Light Shine! For the next seven years she amped up her meditation and found a community of like-minded people to help her fully embrace these aspects of herself. She took psychic development classes and found books, teachers and mentors to assist her in learning the skills necessary to hone her abilities into effective tools that bring Love and guidance to others.
Crista provides:
Reiki as an Usui Reiki Master + Holy Fire practitioner and teacher
Spiritual Life Coaching
Assorted Classes and Workshops
*Packages must be used within 60 days*
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Crista Sokolow
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